Rushing River

Learning to be obedient to the Holy Spirit takes practice. There have been many times in my life when I have felt led to do something but didn't do it out of fear. As I experience the goodness of God more and more, I see how much more there is to life when I step into where God is leading me. Have you ever felt the nudge to take a step that feels really scary? The hard part is not so much taking that one step, but the fact that you can't see what's five steps down the way. After leaving a prayer morning at our church, the Lord gave me a vision of a rushing river. There was no safe way to get across unless I carefully found the stones that would give me footing. The Holy Spirit was gently taking my hand and leading me onto the stones, one at a time. I didn't need to know where the next stone was, I just needed to take his hand and allow him to lead me. I wonder how much I've missed out on because I stood safely at the shore, allowing anxiety to stop me from finding the first stone. This is what the enemy hopes to do in us. He wants fear to take the place of God's gentle hand reaching for ours. I hope this vision resonates with you, my friend. We don't always need to see the big picture to walk in step with the Holy Spirit as He shows us the way! We can fight fear by taking that first step!

“Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long” Psalm 25:4-5


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