Consistency is Key… But how?

One thing I have learned about myself is that I love to exercise. I discovered how much it affected my mental health when I broke my toe and couldn’t exercise for about eight weeks. I couldn’t figure out why I felt so low, but after my first day back at the gym, I was a different person! It was an “aha” moment when I realized that exercise is an important part of my routine, and I must continue to make it a priority. I love feeling physically stronger because of exercise, but, I can’t just have the desire for physical strength; I have to be consistent in going to the gym regularly.

Faith works in the same way. To establish a solid foundation of faith and develop a closer relationship with God, it's crucial to maintain a consistent routine that involves reading God's word and spending time in prayer.

But how do we achieve this? I remember feeling like I didn’t have time to breathe, let alone read my bible when my kids were little. Here are a few tips that I pray will help you navigate taking small steps that lead to consistency!

  1. Small steps are key. It's important to take small steps and not get bogged down by feeling like you're not doing enough. Identify one small and achievable step you can take today.

  2. God’s word is truth! Always look to the bible to speak life over you and find opportunities to have his word fill your mind. Can you find 5 minutes a day to read the scriptures? If you aren’t much of a reader, one idea is to listen to the Bible app or a podcast that breaks down scripture. For example, I love listening to podcasts such as “The Bible Recap” while I blow dry my hair.

  3. Immerse yourself in worship to fight anxieties and insecurities while inviting the Holy Spirit to be a part of your daily life. This will replace those negative feelings with confidence and peace to face each day. I love playing worship music while doing my daily chores, driving my car, or even in the morning before my kids go to school. Whenever I have a little extra time, I go for a short walk while playing worship music. Being outside, moving my body, and worshiping the Lord is a guaranteed way to lift my spirits!

The key is to let God's word speak louder in your life than the noise of the world. Consistency in this may require some intentional effort, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. You can start small, taking one step at a time.

Please know that I am on your team! Feel free to reach out if you need more ideas or support.


Rushing River


Speaking Life to our Kids