I think we’re all a little like Peter…

Who is your favorite person in the Bible? There are several that I have studied and find myself relating to on many levels. Whenever a person in the Bible or a particular story keeps coming up in my mind, sermons, or other references I pause and take notice. Then I ask, “OK God, what do you want to teach me in this?” 

Lately, the story of Peter walking on water keeps surfacing in what appears to be “random” places for me. I was planning on writing about this topic after church today, and the pastor even mentioned this story. Like I said, my ears perk up when a theme continues to surface! 

Many of us are familiar with the story of Peter walking on water. If you haven’t read the whole story you can find it in Matthew 14:22-33. Can we back up a smidge though and talk about Peter’s character for one minute?

Part of why I am so drawn to Peter is that he is like many of us. He is passionate, impulsive, ambitious, and often quick to commit without fully understanding the implications of what he’s saying “yes” to. Throughout the scriptures we can see that he loves Jesus and wants to do right, but his humanness often gets in the way. I don’t know about you, but I can relate! What I love about Peter’s character is that he was willing to be molded and shaped, ready and willing to learn from his mistakes. 

Let’s jump back to our story when Peter walks on water. The disciples are in a boat, a good distance from land, when a man appears walking on the water towards them. That must have been terrifying! The disciples think it's a ghost (can you blame them?). Jesus identifies himself, and Peter (remember, he’s a bit impulsive) says “Lord if it’s really you then tell me to come to you on the water”. Jesus tells him to come and he hastily jumps out of the boat and begins walking towards Jesus. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t thinking clearly, he just acted. But his brain catches up to his actions, and he realizes he is actually walking on water! When he sees a huge wave, his faith falters and he begins to sink.

I have totally been there. Ready and willing to jump head first (or in this case, feet first) into whatever exciting adventure God calls me to. But wait… as soon as I realize there might be a storm involved I want to back out. I see the storm and momentarily take my eyes off the one who called me. Anyone else? 

In the past, I have focused on the fact that Peter saw the wave and began to sink. But lately what has hit me a little differently is that as soon as he began to sink he held out his hand and called out to the Lord to save him. Jesus grabs his hand and pulls him out of the water. What a beautiful picture that I can learn from. 

  • Do I desire to step out of the boat, even if it may be scary when God calls me? Yes! 

  • But once I am going through the storm, do I take my eyes off Jesus and allow worry to consume my heart? Oftentimes, the answer would again be Yes! 

  • Even though the storms will continue to come, I have learned (and am still learning) to turn my eyes back to Jesus, reach out my hand, and allow him to walk with me through the rest of the storm.

I find so much peace in knowing that our God is always extending his hand patiently, waiting for me to move my gaze off of the waves and back to him! 

If this story resonates with you and you are in the midst of a struggle where your worries are overwhelming, here is a verse that I encourage you to say over and over again until it settles in your heart. 

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7


The Words We Sing


Loving Others & Carrying Burdens