Missing Out

An early morning flight back home meant I had to find the nearest Starbucks before driving home. The barista was quite talkative, but I didn't mind. She seemed eager to have a conversation. We had the typical small talk while waiting for my drink. However, there was something about her that made me want to engage a little more. She told me that she had never been on a vacation, not even as a kid. She didn't say it sadly, but it felt like something she would like to do someday. As I drove away, I felt a sense of sadness for her. I wished that she could experience the joys of going on vacation because I know how amazing it is. Whether it's a casual camping trip or a trip to explore Europe, vacations allow you to see the beauty of God's creation that you don't usually experience in your everyday life. This experience made me reflect on how much God wants to show me, the experiences He wants me to have, and the places He wants to take me. However, often I sit stagnant and feel satisfied where I am and I have no idea what I’m missing out on. I want to take the Holy Spirit by the hand and allow Him to lead me to places I never even dreamed of.

“God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!”

Ephesians 3:20 msg


Today’s Reminder