God has good for you during every season!

Life doesn’t have to be full of fear.

Did you know that the Bible says “do not be afraid” 365 times? This is a daily reminder that God does not desire for us to live in fear. Knowing this truth, fear and anxieties often still surround us. I understand these emotions as I battle them myself. The good news is we can lessen the stronghold of fear in our lives when we take small courageous steps towards our loving God who wants us to live abundantly!

You actually can find vision for your goals.

Goals often end up feeling like more things we need to do. They can add stress and a weight that makes us feel like we should be doing more. As women, we are usually already maxed out! What if your goals were attached to a greater vision for your life and they actually offered a way to take a weight off, instead of adding more to our lives? Let’s re-think goal setting as a way to create space for your God-given vision!

I’m Renae!

And I would love to partner with you and cheer you on so that you can discover your vision and live the full life that God has for you!

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.